Working Together with the Local Church … In Harrison County

January 22, 2025


While we have been diving into our local churches’ involvement in Campus Life for the second half of our ministry year, this week we look to southern Harrison County- South Central Jr./Sr. High School and Corydon Central Jr High School. Both schools contain leaders that have made Campus Life a priority within the school and are dedicated to leading young people to Christ.

To begin, Pastor Mark Stewart of Freedom Christian Church, is a teacher at South Central Jr./Sr. High School where he leads Campus Life for middle schoolers. Mark has been involved as a Campus Life leader for twelve years and enjoys the opportunity to show the love of Christ throughout the school day. 

Mark mentioned how well his church supports his efforts to glorify God in the public school through YFC. He said that although he is an adult pastor, the students have encouraged him through spiritual growth in his everyday life.

“It has stretched me because some of the things you learn about the kids, and some of it is good, some of it is not so good, but seeing how God works in their life and how He can make a difference in their life really keeps me grounded and humble at the same time. It keeps you there because you realize that you are not the one doing it. It’s God doing everything,” said Mark. 

Likewise, South Central eighth grader Kylie, said that through Campus Life her spiritual journey has been greatly affected for the better. She is in her Word and has developed lifelong friendships that support her in prayer. 

Kylie said that her most significant memory was “that whenever I needed prayer for something, they all supported me and they prayed for me.” 

In addition, teacher and church member of Freedom Christian Church, Jill Taylor has been a Campus Life leader for Corydon Central Jr. High School for approximately nine years. Jill enthusiastically expressed how much passion she has for teaching young students about the love of Christ and has begun to see the fruit of the rewarding work.

“Last year, we had three students give their hearts to the Lord, which is unbelievable,” said Jill. “So, of the students that come in here, they were really shy when I first met them at the beginning of seventh grade, now there is some of them [that] walk around with a smile on their face and they are bold but in a really great way, and very confident in themselves, and they have connected with other students who have like values through Campus Life…”.

Overall, the Lord’s mighty hand is at work within southern Harrison county. Whether it be weekly club meetings and friendships made to multiple decisions to follow Jesus, it is evident that God has big plans for these students and leaders through the local churches’ involvement and commitment to serving young people.

“We are going to press forward because God’s got work to do here, this is fertile ground, junior high is fertile ground, and if they are not following God, they are going to follow something,” said Jill. “And if I’m not here providing the opportunity and showing them Christ, I don’t know that anybody else would, so I cannot step back and say no- and I love that I get to do it.”