The stretch between our last quarterly update and this one has felt eerily normal for the first time in over two years. Every ministry site that had relaunched was in full swing. Leaders admitted that it felt like kick-off season and year-end season wrapped up into just a few weeks. But, even amidst our third interrupted year in a row, we have a lot to celebrate!
- Over 1300 young people are known by name by a YFC leader at 12 ministry sites in Southern IN
- Over 500 of those young people are in regular conversations with leaders
- Over 20 young people have said yes to following Jesus
- And over 50 young people are introducing Jesus to their lost friends through
- their daily lives
While these numbers are encouraging, and we truly celebrate what they represent in the lives of these kids, we humbly admit that we know it is just a drop in the bucket. There is more work to be done, and that work begins now.
New Albany Campus Life. Jennifer Omerso, who has volunteered faithfully at our New Albany sites for many years, officially joined our staff on June 1 as New Albany Campus Life Director. This staff role will allow Jennifer a greater capacity to see our New Albany ministry grow like never before. Please pray for Jennifer as she begins a new season on our team.
Camp. This month we will see months of planning come to fruition as a collaborative partnership with Silver Heights Youth Camp unfolds. Jennifer is diving right in to lead this partnership the week of June 12-17. Pray for Jennifer and others who are leading and sharing during that week. Pray most of all for the almost 60 kids who will be there, for the soil of their hearts to be ready for the seeds of the Good News that will be sown.
Impact Week. Our annual Impact Week Young Leader Retreat is July 11-14. Our focus is on training young leaders to live a 3Story® way of life as they journey through middle school and high school; allowing Jesus’ love to overflow from their hearts into the hearts of their lost friends. Pray for the young leaders who will be joining us and for those who will be guiding them on their journey.
2022-2023. We will spend a considerable amount of time this summer preparing for our next ministry year. It is shaping up to be a year of “more”.
More ministry sites.
More leaders.
More kids known by name.
And ultimately, more kids saying yes to following Jesus.
Thank you for joining us on this journey. Your prayers and support are making it possible for leaders all across Southern Indiana to come alongside kids on their journey with Jesus. We can’t wait to share this journey with you.